Mention on Granada News (TV news for North West England)

PiFace appeared on TV news. It’s behind the latest workshop to allow children to connect a Raspberry Pi up to monitor a cupboard. It’s a fun example that shows what’s possible.…

A reed switch is connected to the PiFace and a magnet is stuck on a cupboard door. When the door is opened the circuit is broken and PiFace causes the Raspberry Pi to tweet and issue a verbal warning. The whole project only took about 20 minutes to make and reusing a previous workshop that used an animatronic chicken to follow and read out on twitter.

The first in a series of tutorials ‘Easy as Pi’ describes how you can make your own.

One thought on “Mention on Granada News (TV news for North West England)

  1. Bought a Pi-face yesterday – it arrives this morning. Where online can I find documentation/project suggestions/test software?

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